• Voting system functional for both the President and the Deputies • Expanded Area of the Federation Council • Perfect and Detailed Realism for Russian RoNation or Political RolePlay • Adonis Functional System Administrator The Federation Council (Russian: Совет Федерации, Soviet Federatsiy), known unofficially as the Senate (Сенат, Senat),12 is the upper house of the parliament of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly. Together with the State Duma (lower house), it exercises legislative,
Hi everyone,
I would like to mention an issue that I encountered recently. When I reported individuals on Discord for discussing child porn content (CP), I received no response from the staff. After a while, I pinged one or two staff members, and when they arrived, I was muted for a day. However, the individuals involved in the inappropriate discussion were not muted or banned.
I believe this is a clear violation of the rules and norms of this community, and I am not going to support this action. Therefore, I’ve chosen to remove all the resources that I’ve shared and will no longer be active here. I've also created my own Discord server for content sharing.
If anyone would like to see evidence of the case, I have provided it below.
Thank you for your assistance.